Tuesday, October 22, 2019

An Online Degree Helps Define Goals Essay Example

An Online Degree Helps Define Goals Essay Example An Online Degree Helps Define Goals Essay An Online Degree Helps Define Goals Essay There are times in everyone’s life when there is a need for a plan – a plan of any kind. No matter what our original intention, and through no fault of anyone, we may sometimes lose our way as a result of changing life events. Such changes may leave many of us floundering for answers and wondering what to do with what has been given us. Students pursuing a college education often have the benefit of a plan; working towards a consistent goal that could ultimately define the path of their life. Even adults who have seen their college age years come and go may still benefit from a defined goal afforded by working towards a degree. But with a career, a busy family, and a household to keep up with, many adults are not able to imagine fitting another activity – and a busy one at that into their already burgeoning schedules. Just the time associated with driving to and from classes, in addition to sitting in the actual classroom and completing the work may make the pursuit of such a degree an impossible feat. But with online degree programs, students of any age and in any situation can pursue their college degree in whatever industry that they choose and do so at their own convenience. Online degree programs are offered through renowned universities and colleges around the country – additional programs that supplement their traditional on campus courses. Students need only register after which they are able to logon and complete the coursework as set forth by the syllabus. Just as a syllabus outlines the process for a campus class so does it set the boundaries for an online degree; the only difference is the manner in which students go about the process. Online degree students are essentially able to set their own schedule and complete their work from home; setting the goals that will ultimately change the course of their life.

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